Monday, July 2, 2012

Not-so-dead Kitty

This story is too funny not to share....

So I drove back to Ohio for a friend's wedding this weekend.  (She was a gorgeous bride!)  A crazy windstorm rolled in the night before the wedding and made things interesting.  After the storm shattered a neighbors window, my friend and her siblings went in to check on the house.  When they went into the garage, there were two kitties inside.  One of them was walking around and the other was laying motionless on the ground.  The neighbor's brother came by, so my friend told him about the poor dead cat and he said he'd "take care of it."  Later that evening, as my friend talked to the neighbor on the phone, I saw a guy walk out the the corn field behind the house and toss something wayyyy out into the field.  My friend broke the sad news to her about the deceased kitty in the garage. She said, "Oh, he's fine.  He plays possum all the time... He won't move for hours and then the next thing you know he's up walking around the house."  Uhhhhhhh.....WHAT?!?!  It plays possum???  So the dead kitty that got tossed into the corn field wasn't actually dead...whoops!  Welp, sure enough, the next morning dead-not-dead kitty came back to life and wandered back home from the corn field.

As for the wedding...there was no power at the church which resulted in a beautiful candlelit service!

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