Friday, July 13, 2012


When it's time to leave a place, you're forced to say goodbye to all the people, places, routines, and familiar things you love.  It becomes an emotional roller coaster...a mixture of feeling overwhelmed by so much love and so sad to leave it all behind.  I have about 12 days of goodbyes ahead of me, and I must say I'm experiencing different emotions by the the hour...even by the minute.  I've laughed so hard over favorite memories, and then been reduced to a puddle of tears the very next moment.  As my friend Bethany would say, "Nothing makes me go from zero to tears like leaving the country."

There are two main groups of people I'm heartbroken over leaving - family and friends.  Sometimes, though, the line between family and friends is pretty blurry and friends become some of your closest family members.  That's what has happened with the amazing community of women called Queens.

I am so, so thankful for the love, encouragement, accountability, and joy I have found in Queens. I never knew it was possible for a group of women to genuinely love one another so deeply (1 Peter 1:22). I can't even begin to describe the dynamics of this group that makes it work so just does.  I'm so thankful for women who have been by my side through many, many ups and downs.  I'm thankful that they are in my business even when I don't really want them there.  They ask me hard questions and they allow me to do the same for them.  They study the Word together and pray together. They are willing to get their hands dirty and fight for one another. They speak truth in love...they confront sin...they ask forgiveness...they offer forgiveness.  They are the most humble, honest, loving, godly, hilarious, thoughtful, generous, compassionate, beautiful women I know!

 Oh, and there is always lots of fun to be had.  :)

Did I mention they are expert party planners?

I have grown more in my Walk over the past year with the love, encouragement, guidance, and example of these amazing women than any other time in my life. I'm very grateful! So, as I'm saying my "goodbyes" this week, I'll be saying goodbye to my unofficial family...the women I'm blessed to call my sisters.


  1. You're gonna make me cry, Mollie! Love you!!

  2. I L O V E this Mollie :) It is hard to explain in words the amazingness of Queens, but you did it so eloquently here! Thank you!


  3. You will definitely be missed! Remember to open your letters, keep us posted, smile in the rain, laugh when you'd rather cry, look to God always for love and guidance, eat tons of cupcakes, explore different cultures, learn new languages, make great friends, document your adventures, love the children in China, know that God has your back and last but not least...... It's never good-bye but always see you later! I love you babydoll! Never forget that!

  4. I'm so thankful I got to be apart of this!! I loved watching you grow, every single moment of it!! xoxo

  5. I love all those pics! They are soooo cute!!!

    I love you and miss you, Morgan
