Tuesday, July 17, 2012

True Confession

True confession... I've been frantically trying to teach myself to eat with chopsticks for the past several months.  Here's a recap of my progress.


*After watching Youtube tutorials, Googling "how to hold chopsticks", and looking at several step-by-step diagrams, I sat on the couch with my dinner and chopsticks, determined not to get up until I had finished every bite.  An hour and a half later......... 

*One of my friends took me to a Chinese restaurant (where I typically use a fork...and even that isn't always pretty).  She patiently talked me through using my chopsticks and I made it through about half of the meal before I finally gave up, hid all of the dropped rice under my plate, and, defeated, finished my dinner with a fork.


*Back on the couch...dinner time down to about 45 minutes.

 *I went to a Korean restaurant and ate my entire meal of bibimbap WITH CHOPSTICKS (and a little guidance from my friends)!  *applause* It was a big day. 


*Tonight I went to dinner at a friend's house. I ate salad, rice, beef, and veggies...all with chopsticks.  I didn't even get a grain of rice on the table!  (Although I did drop a tomato on the floor, but that was just typical clumsiness and not really chopstick-related.) 

So....in a week I'll be in China, chopsticks in hand.  :)


  1. way to go, girlfriend! i realized a long time ago that no tutorials on how to hold chopsticks actually work... you've just gotta do what feels right for you. it's sort of like teaching someone to hold a pen... everyone has their own style!

  2. Oh, for sure! Eventually I got frustrated and hungry enough to say, "forget it...this is good enough."

  3. Molly, I love you. This was my day at the Vietnamese place I ate a bowl of noodles (that were cut, so I couldn't even twirl them!!!). I think I needed hand surgery after I managed to eat the whole bowl with my chopsticks! But I was also bound and determined!!! Xxoxoxo

  4. People also do the 'lift and scoop' A LOT. You'll see people with bowls at their faces just shoveling in the little bits they couldn't pick up with the chopsticks! :-) And it's so true no one person holds them the same! Do what works and what gets food into your mouth the neatest way possible! :-)

    Can I just say how proud I am that you EAT Chinese food! I remember Sonnie having to keep her Chinese leftovers in my fridge because it would gross you out! :-)

  5. You're so ambitious, eating bibimbap with chopsticks! It's supposed to be eaten with spoon. lol
    We will eat food that require chopsticks everyday when we're in China. :)
