Sunday, September 2, 2012

Clothes, clothes, and more clothes

When I packed to move to China, I only packed what I could carry with me on the plane - 2 suitcases, a duffel bag, a storage tub, a carry-on, and a backpack.  So needless to say much of my wardrobe didn't make it to China.  I was DELIGHTED to be invited along on some clothes-hunting adventures this weekend! 

On Friday we went to another staff member's apartment to meet her tailor.  We bought (way too much) fabric at the Fabric Market a few weekends ago and have been collecting ideas for things to make out of it.  After looking at my mountain of fabric, the tailor suggested that we start with just a few items and then go from there.  haha... I showed the her pictures of what I want, she measured me, made a few notes, and then did some brainstorming and sketching for my roommate.  Hopefully I will have a custom-made dress and skirt in a few weeks!  I'm so excited!  I have plenty more fabric to keep her busy for most of the coming decade, so we'll see what all I end up with!  :)

Saturday was a busy day of shopping.  We went to a market called Shu Guang Li.  It's a huge outdoor/indoor market, sort of like a flea market.  They had everything!  Some places were a little disorganized and we had to dig through piles, and other places were more like actual stores.  All of it was super cheap and just a fun experience altogether.  I got several cardigans, shirts, rainboots, a skirt, a dress, a really nice leather purse, and a clock for our apartment!  The clock has a really funny Engrish phrase on it... Something like, "I wish you happy hour, happy day, every year happy, health forever."  It's awesome. My friends got a kitten on the way out...I'm so glad we didn't cave and get one!  I'll probably go back to Shu Guang Li in a few weeks when they put out their fall/winter clothes and boots!  :)

In other news, I've  decided that I love when Chinese people try to talk to me in Chinese.  They always say it once, when I look confused they say it again slower, and then if that doesn't work they write the CHINESE characters on their hands to help me understand.  Because clearly I can read Chinese characters.  That's my favorite makes me laugh every time! :)

Piles of super cheap cardigans
Food vendor at Shu Guang Li



  1. This sounds like so much fun!!! I also LOVE the Engrish clock!

    How the Chinese talk to you makes me not feel so bad when people in the US do that to anyone who doesn't speak English. Apparently slower/louder is human nature! It's also super hilarious!

    I'm loving reading these! Post more pictures!

  2. So glad you posted :) I know you're busy, but I love reading it! You make me laugh :) hope you're doing well this week!
