Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Few September Thoughts

Well, August came and was over before I knew it!  My journey thus far has been filled with ups, downs, and lots of learning.  The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know or understand.  But then again, the more I learn about other people, other cultures, myself, and my Father, the more I want to know!

One of the biggest victories for me this month has been surviving.  No,'s only by Grace that I'm still alive!  I was sure by now I would have died from one of my ten thousand mosquito bites or hunger.  Between the three people in my house, we have accumulated negative points for cooking.  I mean, we did okay for the first few weeks when we weren't working and had time to scavenge and cook.  Since school started, though, there is really only time for cooking OR shopping, not both.  The people at school were quick to set us up with an Ayi (Chinese for "Auntie"), so we haven't starved and hopefully she'll stick around and help us get through the next few years.  She is an AMAZING cook!  Today she made jaozi, which is like a Chinese dumpling.  They were SO YUMMY and my roommates are out of town on a camping trip, so guess who ate most of the jaozi!  :)

I sort of started September with a cloud hanging over my head, and I'm not just talking about the super thick, suffocatingly hazy, way-too-humid Tianjin skies.  I woke up one day feeling like a total grump and I just couldn't shake it.  I was sad to be missing the start my favorite season in Ohio - changing weather, falling leaves, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, football season, sweaters, scarves, bonfires, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, shopping for new hats, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, etc, etc, etc.  Did I mention I am really sad to be missing Pumpkin Spice Lattes?  I was also struggling a little (or a lot) to align the expectations I brought with me to China with the reality of my situation here.

Anyway, I decided that I needed a day of rest and Quiet Time with my Father who knows my heart and is the only one who can give me Peace.  This past Sunday was a gloomy, rainy day, so it was a perfect day to spend the morning in the Word, lifting up my attitude and my asking for peace.  I asked to see things that I can love about autumn in China.  I also asked for clarity - how does He want me to serve others here, and how can I have a life outside of work/work friends? I made a commitment to capture things I love about China and I'm continuing to look for ways to connect with people outside of school.  I'm hopeful that eventually I'll find balance and meet more Chinese people. I also started learning Mandarin, so I can't wait to start communicating with people in our community! Here is the beginning of my "things I love about China" photo collection.  :)  Collecting photos has been a huge encouragement to me this week!  I'll organize them into categories, because I'm OCD like that.


"Trash Mountain"

Our beautiful school
Momo's Cafe


Little moments with precious students

Quaint, simple China life

Roommates and fellow adventurers 

Problem solving
Three bikes in an elevator...
...and three people.

Blue sky gets its own category...

After the rain on Sunday, the grey skies lifted and we've had beautiful days since then!  The humidity has let up so much that it feels like I'm living in a totally different place.  I'm SO THANKFUL for the sunshine and cooler temps.  PTL! My heart is certainly more at peace this week. I read something today that really helped a lot with my expectations vs. reality battle as well.  I'll leave you with this thought. 

"Everything we do has eternal significance."

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