Monday, June 18, 2012


My heart is just so overwhelmed today... 

I'm moving out of the house I call "home" tomorrow.  The Lord closed the door on me selling it, at least for now, so I'm moving out and three wonderful women have agreed to rent it for 2 years while I'm gone.  It's not ideal, but it's an answer to prayer nonetheless.  My brother has been so incredibly helpful - such a servant.  He's offered to help me move and to look after the house while I'm gone.  What a huge blessing! 

Getting ready to move across the world is a weird feeling.  I'm here, but my heart is there. I can't wait to start my life in China!  At the same time, saying goodbye to the people and things I love is so sad. 

I'm leaving for Orientation this Thursday, so I'm praying God gives me so much peace and helps focus my overwhelmed, mile-a-minute mind for the ministry He has prepared for me!

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