Monday, July 15, 2013

I can barely contain my excitement!!!

There's a site I follow that advocates for Chinese orphans.  Every week I look at those little faces and pray for their families.  I saw that some new children had been added today, and after seeing one of those faces I could barely catch my breath.


There, looking back at me, is a little girl I know well and love dearly.  I call her "Ruthie."  The woman who is advocating for her calls her "Athena."  I have been praying for this little girl for almost a year.  I fell in love with her when they moved her into the 2-year-old room at the orphanage where I volunteer.  She was my girl.  I would walk in the door and she would immediately start bouncing up and down in her bed.  She has such a sweet little personality.  She is super affectionate and happy.  This past winter she was learning to walk with a walker. (There is nothing in this world cuter than this little girl pushing around her walker!) If Chinese policies would allow 27 year olds to adopt, this little girl would be mine.

They have since moved her to a foster home, which is great for her (although I was admittedly very sad when I stopped seeing her every weekend).  I have been emailing someone from the orphanage for months now to ask about the status of her adoption paperwork, but I haven't gotten any real answers until I saw her picture today.  Praise the Lord they followed through and did her file!  She is SO ready for a family! 

Praying someone finds this sweet girl...and SOON! 

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