Saturday, July 27, 2013

Allowed back in!

Earlier this week I got very, VERY good news... The orphanage here in town, which has been closed to volunteers since the end of March, has decided to open their doors to us again and allow us back in to visit the babies.  This is such a huge answer to prayer.  The babies have been without volunteers for almost four months now.  That's a pretty significant amount of time.  These babies have wonderful caretakers who really love them and want the best for them, but these women are incredibly busy and have a really big job.  Taking care of a room full of babies - feeding, changing, administering medicine, etc - doesn't allow for a lot of play or cuddle time...something these kids desperately need.  So I'm beyond thankful they have agreed to let people back in to love on these precious little ones.

Now I'm mentally preparing myself to go back. 

When I first started going to volunteer at the orphanage, I was a strangers to the babies.  Of all the volunteers I have met, I'm the only blonde and probably the whitest person they have ever seen.  Some of the babies warmed up to me right away, but it took a while for some of them to realize I'm not so scary.  Now I'll likely be starting over with most of them.  I'm planning to go several times this week in hopes that we can reestablish some trust before I go back to my every Saturday morning routine.

And then there's 6-year-old Cong Ran.

By the grace of God I "happened" to bump into this little guy while visiting another baby several months ago.  He and I hit it off immediately, and now we're good buddies.  I visit him whenever I'm at the orphanage.  We've been checking up on each other these past months since I've been banned (maybe a harsh word, but that's how it feels) from visiting him.  He's called me once and sent me a text.  I got to see him on Children's Day and sent him a little gift from the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an.  He's a really special little boy. 

My friends who work with the orphanage tell me that he asks about me every time they're there.  "Where's Auntie Mollie? When will she come back?"  Then a few weeks ago one of the ladies told me something he said that has been echoing in my mind every day since.

"Will Auntie Mollie want me?" 

Just rip out my heart.  Seriously.  If only it were that easy.  Of course I want you, little buddy!  Of course I want them all.  How do you explain the politics and policies of international adoption to a 6-year-old?  I don't know how she answered him...I don't think I could have handled hearing her reply, to be honest.  How will I respond if he asks me the same question?  I have no idea.

Lord, comfort his little heart...

I hope these next to days go by fast... I'll be knocking down the doors of that orphanage at 9am Monday morning.  I can't wait!

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