Friday, July 26, 2013

365 days

I have officially completed ONE YEAR in China!  365 days.  12 months.  一年.  

After a year, here's what I know: 
1. Jesus is faithful.
2. Learning Chinese is hard.
3. Tianjin is smelly but beautiful.
4. God truly is the God of the nations.
5. American Chinese food is a pitiful imitation of the real thing.
6. Counting time zones is much harder math than geometry ever was.
7. "The least of these" are the most precious of all.
8. Living overseas requires at least an hour more of sleep per night.  Afternoon naps are also helpful.
9. Just because kindergarteners are cute doesn't mean teaching them is easy.
10. Obedience is costly, but sacrifices we make for the sake of Christ are always worth it. Always.

After a year, here's what I still don't know:
1. Why are Chinese men always so sleepy?
2. Am I the only one who's uncomfortable when everyone in the elevator is staring at me?
3. When will they open a Chipotle in China?
4. Why would anyone eat stinky tofu?

Some scripture I've memorized this year:  Habakkuk 2:14
-For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the water covers the sea.
- renshi yehehua rongyao de zhishi , yao chongman biandi , haoxiang shui chongman yang hai yiban

The highlight of my year:  Getting to love on this girl...
...and this guy...
I learned to use public transportation:

I conquered the scariest thing of all:  Kindergarten.  

 I fell in love with a new city, country, people, culture, and way of life. 

I've been able to visit amazing places and see incredible sights.
I've learned so much, and I am so thankful. 

John 1:16
And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. (ESV)
From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. (NLT)
Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. (NIV)

"He's brought me this far, and already my joy is unspeakable." 


  1. This is such a great post Mollie! I also ask myself the question about why people eat stinky tofu.

  2. Molly--it's been a long while, but I'm glad to have seen this post and a brief summary of your year!

  3. Love this post! Thank you for sharing what you have learned and are still learning :) It gives me ways to pray for you sister! Thinking of you as the new school year begins! China Round 2!!
