Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ancient Culture Street

Today some new Chinese friends took my roommate and I to Ancient Culture Street.  It was a really cool place!  I was sort of expecting more of China to be like this before I moved here.  I think my favorite part was when we went to the roof of KFC and looked out at Culture Street and saw skyscrapers in the background.  I love seeing old China and modern China coexisting.  Here are some pictures from our day. 

Our new friend Tom writing my Chinese name, Moli.

Sweet potatoes...they are SO GOOD!  (Even if they do come out of a rusty barrel...)

I love these colors


Ancient China meets modern China

Nzinga trying the stinky tofu... It smells terrible but she said it was delicious!


My bicycle obsession continues...

Making a horse out of liquid candy


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