Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Agape House

Yesterday I had the privilege of visiting the Agape House in Langfang, China.  I also got to ride the bullet train for the first time which was super exciting.

The Agape House is a group of foster homes for orphans, most of whom have IO, Osteogenesis Imperfecta.   IO is genetic bone disorder commonly known as "Brittle Bone Disease." The children are divided by age, so several children around the same age live in a house together with foster parents.  I love this arrangement because they are living as a family and they get to experience the love of parents.  It's also really neat to see the children interact with one another.  They understand the struggles of the other children in the house so they can relate to one another in a way that other people can't. 

At the house there is a bakery, called the Bread of Life Bakery.  There is a man, Danny, who oversees the bakery, but older orphans who have lived in the Agape House work there and make the baked goods.  They also travel to Beijing (and hopefully someday Tianjin) to sell their bakery items.  We had pizza from the bakery for lunch, and it was seriously the best pizza I've had in a very long time.  For dessert we had red velvet cupcakes... OH.MY.WORD.  They were delicious. 

During our visit we got to play some games with the kids, and it was probably the most fun I've had since I've been in China.  There is an activity house in the complex which is very nice.  There is a swimming pool for therapy, a piano, and lots of games.  We decided to forgo the board games and play silly group games. Most of the kids are in wheelchairs, so I thought it would be difficult for them to maneuver around in such a tight space.  There were moments where it felt a little bit like human Tetris, but they are amazing little drivers!  We played a "signs" game and let me just say these kids have a LOT of personality.  They are so silly and clever! Next we played a quick game of charades before the kids had to go. 

We heard one of the older girls practicing the piano. Sometimes teachers come give lessons but it's inconsistent so she mostly teaches herself. 

We spent the rest of the day working in the yard and sitting around hearing stories about the House and the people who work there.  It was a refreshing time of being with people and enjoying the outdoors and sunshine.  It was so great!  Here's the website for the Agape House...Take a minute and check it out!

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