Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thailand Recap

Last weekend we went to a conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  The conference was...a conference.  Thailand was BEAUTIFUL!  :)  The people were incredible hospitable and very helpful.  The night bazaar was so great.  They started setting it up in the early evening and it was open until midnight.  They sold lots of souvenirs, clothes, food, jewelry, shoes, and other odds and ends.  It was a really fun atmosphere and a neat experience.  Not to mention there was a Starbucks at either end of the street.  The nearest Starbucks was actually close enough that we could hop into a tuk tuk and go there between sessions at the conference.  :) 

Here are a few pictures of our trip!

Most delicious fruit I have tasted in a long time! 
We did some damage in the markets and shops. :) 
I loved these tuk tuks.  I wouldn't mind traveling like this everyday! 
 Inside the tuk tuk
 This restaurant was so adorable, and the food was delicious! 
 These were the most delicious things ever - Banana and Nutella Roti.  Nom.

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