Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Back in Dayton

For everyone who has asked me, "How is it being back in Dayton?" my answer is this:

Amazing. Difficult, but amazing.

The initial stress of no job/car/money/place to live were overwhelming, but God has been faithful and my people have been amazing.  My family and friends are what I missed most while I was in China, and they are what has made coming home so sweet. My Savior, my constant Companion, is who sustained me while I was in China, and He has been the one who has continued to walk with me since I got back.

My mom has been a wonderful, patient, constant source of support for me since I came back.  She let me stay with her until I could get back into my house.  She drove me around for days searching for a car.  She drove me to job interviews.  Her fiancĂ© has been equally great, helping me move and taking on projects at my house.  They encouraged me when I was so overwhelmed all I could do was sit on the couch and cry.

Then my brother and his family came to Ohio for a visit.  For anyone who is an aunt or uncle, I don't need to explain what that did for my heart.  I just can't believe God chose me to be their aunt.  That's purely God's grace. My sister-in-law asked about China and listened to my stories.  My brother helped me replace the walls in my leaky shower and helped me move back into my house.  I think I speak for all little sisters out there when I say we would never make it without our big brothers.

I had the privilege of seeing some of my China friends in Dayton this month.  I loved sharing Dayton with them and seeing the city I love through their eyes.  I'm so thankful for the friends I made while I was in China and the experiences we shared together!
This past weekend was a "whirlwind weekend" that was full of celebrating friendships and celebrating life. There were surprise baby showers, pancakes, bridal showers, cupcakes, photo shoots, giant balloons, worshiping together, sitting around the fire, laughter, tears and goodbyes.  I walked away from the weekend needing a nap but with a heart filled to the brim with thankfulness and love for these beautiful women.

Something that has made such an impression on me over the past several years is what a gift godly community is.  It's something that is difficult at times and takes effort, but it makes life so much richer.  There's nothing like having a group of people who constantly point you back to Jesus, remind you of the big picture, pray for you, pull weeds at your house, put together dining room tables and bed frames, let you love their children and spend time in their homes, ask hard questions, rejoice with one another, grieve with one another, and genuinely love one another....people who tough love you when it's necessary and listen sympathetically when that's the only thing they can do to help.  

This morning I woke up to puddles on my kitchen countertops.  The drawers were full of water...the cabinets were full of water.  In that moment, all I could do was sit on the kitchen floor and cry.  I was frustrated and overwhelmed.  I was mad.  Mad at this house I love/hate, mad at the rain, mad that I have to deal with homeowner problems alone. So I took a breath, prayed, and sent out an SOS text to two friends who immediately responded with "I'll be right over" and "I'll be there after work."  That's the kind of people I get to call "friends."  

So there you have it.  If you're wondering how it feels to be back in Dayton, that's my answer.  It's hard, but it's amazing.  My house is leaky and my bank account is empty, but I have amazing people put into my path by a gracious God. 

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