Sunday, October 20, 2013

So many little things

The past week has been really crazy.  Crazy and amazing.  It's left me feeling thankful for so many little things...

-Global Friendship-
I met my friend J when she was a grad student a few years ago.  We became fast friends and had lots of fun together.  Then, when I told her I had decided to move to China, it "just so happens" that I would be moving to her hometown. She was a huge encouragement to me while I was preparing to move overseas.  Then I moved to her hometown, leaving her behind in mine.  For a year we were friends oceans apart.  Now, a year later, she's returned to Tianjin and we've continued our friendship on the same continent--in the same city--again.  I had dinner with her a few days ago, and we've decided that we are Chinese/American twins who have been blessed enough to find one another.

-School Diversity-
I'm so thankful to be part of a school that is SO diverse.  We have 20+ nationalities represented in our school.  On Tuesday of this week I took my students on a field trip to a "farm."  It's nothing like the farm we imagine in our American minds, but it's a farm nonetheless.  Many of my students' parents came with us, and as three generations of people from all over the world sat around our picnic blankets sharing peanut butter sandwiches, kimbap, tofu, and fruit, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness for the diversity around me.
On Thursday, we celebrated International Day.  Our students were encouraged to dress up in clothes that represent their passport countries, and let me just say, there's nothing cuter than preschoolers in kimonos, qipaos, and hanboks. .  Again, I was reminded that diversity is SUCH a beautiful gift.
-English Corner-
I returned to English Corner this week...finally!  I've been gone since June, and I had started to feel like a piece of the puzzle was missing, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  Then I went to English Corner and I remembered - those college students were the missing piece. I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday evenings!

I saw sweet Shen Shen smile for the first time in months.  Thank you, Lord.

-Unexpected Phone Call-
Today my phone rang, and as has become my habit, I didn't answer the unknown caller.  Then I immediately got a text.  "I am Sally."  Sally was my student two years ago at FPS.  She's Chinese, and she spent the whole year impressing me with her quick English learning and teaching me some simple Chinese to get me started in China.  She's back in China now, and her family has invited me to come to their home and visit next month.  I am beside myself excited to see her!  It's amazing how I've seen my worlds collide this year.

I am so blessed.

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