Friday, January 4, 2013

I've been reading...

A good friend of mine recommended the book "Love Does" by Bob Goff.  I'm about 2/3 of the way through it, and I'm really enjoying it!  It's a pretty easy read and the author is really funny.  Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book so far. 

"I once heard somebody say that God had closed a door on an opportunity they had hoped for.  But I've always wondered if, when we want to do something that we know is right and good, God places that desire deep in our hearts because He wants it for us and it honors Him.  Maybe there are times when we think a door has been closed and, instead of misinterpreting the circumstances, God wants us to kick it down.  Or perhaps just sit outside of it long enough until somebody tells us we can come in."

"I used to think Jesus motivated us with ultimatums, but now I know He pursues us in love."

"It has always seemed to me that broken things, just like broken people, get used more; it's probably because God has more pieces to work with." 

"When people realize there's no agenda other than friendship and better understanding, it changes things."

"I get the invitation every morning when I wake up to actually live a life of complete engagement, a life of whimsy, a life where love does.  It doesn't come in an envelope.  It's ushered in by a sunrise, the sound of a bird, or the smell of coffee drifting lazily from the kitchen.  It's the invitation to actually live, to fully participate in this amazing life for one more day... Turning down this invitation comes in many flavors.  It looks like numbing yourself or distracting yourself or seeing something really beautiful as just normal.  It can also look like refusing to forgive or not being grateful or getting wrapped around the axle by fear or envy.  I think ever day God sends us an invitation to live and sometimes we forget to show up or get fake-headed into thinking we haven't really been invited.  But you see, we have been invited - every day, all over again." 

"We don't always know where He's headed or what to expect along the way.  But I think direction is the point, the part, and the whole of it.  He wants followers, not just onlookers or people taking notes.  Plus, I think God knows that if I found out more than just the direction He was going, I'd probably try to beat Him there."

 "Tell me about the God you love; tell me about what He has inspired uniquely in you; tell me about what you're going to do about it, and a plan for your life will be pretty easy to figure out from there." 

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