Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4 Months Out

Well, here we are, less than 4 months until I move across the Pacific!  The past several months have been a whirlwind, both overwhelming and exciting.  I wouldn't trade this journey for anything, though.  I have never been so keenly aware of the presence of my loving Father than I have recently.  I have seen Him in all the details of this process so far.  I have met person after person who are somehow connected to my new city.  That is no coincidence... that's Providence. 

Today is the first day that I've felt like, "I can't wait to go!"  Until now, I've been excited but my excitement has been overshadowed by a lot of anxiety, sadness, and fear.  At every turn I'm being reminded of my need to just be still and TRUST.  My time in the Word keeps leading me this truth:  He has already gone before me...phew!  I'm so thankful that I'm not walking into the great unknown - I'm following my Father! That promise is enough to make the negative feelings fade away!

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