Friday, January 10, 2014

abandoned island

My heart is heavy.  I have been trying to wrap my mind around this since I heard about it yesterday.  Then I found this link today:

This is the orphanage where I volunteer.  Well, the old facility.  They moved most of the kids to a new campus about a year ago.  Now they have turned the old guard building into a place to leave babies anonymously.  A place to abandon precious children.  A place to discard real human beings with real souls and real futures.

 The browser I use translated one of the Chinese captions on that site as:  "Tianjin "abandoned island" is enabled to receive the first baby girl."

Abandoned island. The words make me cringe. In Chinese, the name is actually 弃婴岛.  弃 "qi" means to abandon, discard, throw away, or relinquish, 婴 "ying" means infant or baby, and 岛 "dao" means island.

It breaks my heart that there is even a need for a place like this.  We truly live in a broken world. I was told that within the first week the shelter was open, five children were dropped off.  That's almost one a day.  That's five mothers who had to make the decision to abandon their children. Five women who are now walking around this city with a huge secret and the weight of the world on their shoulders.  Five mothers who, thankfully, loved their children enough to leave them in a warm, safe place rather than the many horrible alternatives.  Five children who need to be given a chance.  Five families that need Hope.

I don't know how to process this, so for now I'm just praying.  I'm praying for a heart of understanding.  I'm praying that the people who leave their children in this place, or in any place, will find Hope.  I'm praying that the Father will lead them to himself... that this will be made known to them and to their children: "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.  For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba!  Father!'"

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