Ready for the big performance!
These photos were taken during the Walk Through Bethlehem. It was such a whirlwind! Our task was to wrap gifts for the newborn King. The other stations were set up like a stable with Mary, Joseph, baby J., shepherds, and sheep. There were "villagers" passing out snacks and "Christmas stars" singing and dancing. The art teacher even dressed as a villager and set up a pottery station. It was an exciting time! After the Walk Through Bethlehem was over, we made our way to the auditorium to perform our songs.
They were so adorable! The parents had a great time, and it was so beautiful to hear the kids sing about the love of the Father and the miraculous birth of the Son. There's something so wonderful about hearing the Truth of Christmas from the mouths of children.
All four classes performing together |
Hopefully I'll get ahold of some more pictures of my class singing and playing their coffee can drums. It was such a crazy night I didn't get a single picture of them singing. Thankfully I happened to remember to grab my camera during a few of the other performances.
The next display of kindergarten cuteness will be at Kindergarten graduation in the spring. Stay tuned for more adorable pictures. :)